Monday, October 6, 2008

Not doing well

Okay, I’m really not doing too good on the whole living healthy thing, but I am kicking ass at consuming as much coffee a s I wanna. What does that mean? I mean, really, what does it mean when I’d rather speed with caffeine than be healthy. Who the fuck cares!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So, I love the bread. I especially like the bread that is made with honey and oats and nuts. I know. I should fucking leave the bread alone, but I cannot. Maybe if someone had a really grotesque story about the bread, it might stop me from massively eating. Oh, I'm getting a kitty and a puppy. Okay, that's enough healthy thinking for the day. No walking, no lifting, no anything. Today, I eat bread, I sleep, and I don't give a shit.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I need bones

I’m thinking of adding weightlifting to my little workout routine. I dunno, I’m thinking that might be harsh. It’s not like I need pecks or abds or the other muscles that attract good views of health. I just need to do something that will enable me to burn more calories. If I have larger muscles, it takes more calories to move the large muscles and I’ll lose weight quicker. I just want to be a waif. Just once before I die, I need to hear, man oh man you are skinny. Is that too much to ask? I know this sounds like I have weight issues and I do but not in a bad way. I’m fucking kidding. Okay.

Friday, July 18, 2008


It's too fucking hot to walk my mile and something, and I'm tired, which I may have mentioned, of the old fucktard at the grocery store trying to pick me up when I try to walk there, so I'm going to the gym and walking on the treamill. While it's cool in the gym and the treadmill has this little fan that blows air on me, there are some things about the treadmill that piss me off. Here is the list:
It tells me how fast I'm going, how many miles I walk, and how many calories I've burned. Okay, do I really need to be reminded that after I walk for one hour that I've only burned up 200 calories? Also, I hate the runners. You know the ones who get on the treadmill and run like they are being chased by a giant roadrunner zombie. Also, you go nowhere, and the scenary never fucking changes.
There's more but I've taken these really strong pain pills for the pain in my hip from all the fucking honest walking and need to go to bed where I'll no doubt dream about winning the lottery or getting fucked by Brad Pitt.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back on track

Okay, I’m eating the meat. Yep, baked chicken, baked red meat, and even boiled eggs. I don’t mind the baked meat, but I find it hard to eat an entire breast. It’s not that I cannot do it, it’s that I am not a big meat eater and really thought I'd do the vegetarian route because I don't like that our food comes from other living mamals. I do feel so much guilt about the chickens, cows, and pigs being farmed in such inhumane ways. I'm not insensitive to the needs of the animals, but the doctors say that if I don't eat the meat and drink the protein, I'll surely die. Really, they said just those words. So, I’m making myself consume three eatable meats and drinking two protein shakes.

I’ve been kicking ass in the fruits and vegetables. I try to eat five fruits a day. Well, I don't like eat an entire apple but I do eat half an apple and that's one serving and later I eat the other half and that's two servings. Then I might eat an entire bannana.

I’m back to using the moisturizing cream and maybe I can make myself stick to it. You know, because I have these digestive issues, I have really noticed that my skin has turned into this awful mess of something. So, in order to not frighten my students, I try to conceal the damage by using a lot of creams and it works but I need to use good ones that last longer, hence the plan.

I have cut down from one pot of coffee to two cups of coffee. Okay, two mugs of coffee but there is still about three cups left in the pot. Where I’ve been kicking ass is in my water consumption. I’m drinking five of those bottle waters a day, and only drink one cup of tea in the afternoon. So, my caffeine consumption probably cut in half. When I go back to the doctor and he checks all my numbers he is gonna be so proud of me. Oh and I’m taking my man made nutrients and think I’m a feeling better.

Friday, July 11, 2008

not so much

Maybe this quest for good health not so good. I mean, maybe that is why I am fucking unhealthy to begin with; because frankly, I'm lazy. I mean, I like the walking and do it faithfully but the moisturizing, wtf. I wash all the filth off of my face to put on grease? I know, my face is dry and old and needs to be hydrated but can't I just splash water on it? And all of that gonna eat healthy shit; well, it's like this--I done gave up my fucking sweets so now what's left--white fucking vegetables. I am thinking no. I am not giving up my potatoes or my cauliflower. I'll just have to do something else for my quest for health. I like taking the chemicals, those man made ones that give me what I should be getting from food. Yeah. I'm there baby. Hope tomorrow is better.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Can I make myself healthier?

So, here is where I am going to post things that are pertinent to me maintaining a healthy life style. Yeah right? Okay, I will admit that of late, I have been indulging way too much in the caffeine. I drink a pot of strong freshly ground coffee daily. Yes, one entire pot for my own consumption. Then, I try to drink a little water to flush the caffeine from my kidney because I am not a Neanderthal; I know that I should be practicing good urinary track hygiene. But, as soon as I drink one entire bottle of water, I fire up the tea kettle and the rest of the day, I drink cup after cup of hot tea. I know, what the fuck am I doing to my system? So, I’m thinking that I’ll use this part of the summer to improve my overall health. First, cut down on coffee and tea and I’ll let you guys know how that works out. Second, I need more exercise. I’m turning into this person who researches either in the library or online all fucking day long and I am not walking like I should so my second quest for good health is to either walk daily or ride my bike daily. Third, I need to eat more meat. I am one of these people who could live my life eating grapes, oranges, and cucumbers. I know, not so good for repair, so I am either going to eat three servings of protein based food daily or I’ll drink those protein shakes that are supposed to make weightlifters lift better. And my fourth and final goal is to moisturize. I have the driest skin in the world and need to try and take a little better care of myself so I bought these skin products from Bees Wax and am applying the feet ones to the feet, the hand ones to the hand, the body to the body and the face to the face. There it is kids, let’s see if I stick to my program to health.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Here is where?

This is where I was going to direct my students. I thought I’d use this place to discuss our class readings or news or any little thing on their minds, but I can’t seem to separate this blog from my other and I don’t want to have my students read my other blog, so I am going to use this for something else. Perhaps, I’ll use it for pictures and do a picture blog or I’ll devote this to my wild rabbits or to my grandkids or make this my more creative place. I’m thinking on it and will come up with something soon. But if you come here, by all means leave a few suggestions on what I can use Here for.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008